Walk-ins available all day at the top of each hour & based on availability. Special rental bookings available by emailing info@felinegoodsocialclub.com

Gatita Bonita

Her Story

This is Gatita Bonita, our special needs kitty. She has Cerebellar Hypoplasia, which affects her movement and coordination. She was rescued from across the Mexican border before she could be euthanized and is now a permanent ambassador for Special Needs Cats. 

Facts about Cerebellar Hypoplasia Kitties: 

🐱Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH) can have multiple causes, from illness, malnutrition, injury or other accidents during development in the womb. 

🐱The most common symptoms of CH are tremors and uncoordinated movement, but this is not painful to the cat! Over time, the cat can learn to compensate for the movement and live an active life.
🐱CH is not a contagious or progressive condition, meaning a CH kitty is fine to be around non-disabled cats. It also means that CH kitties aren’t slowly becoming weaker and less healthy over time- with plenty of love and support, they can live healthy, active lives.

Over the past 10 years, Long Beach Felines has helped rescue and re-home 15 of these special felines. Want to be a part of our effort to save CH kitties like Gatita Bonita? Donate to our GoFundMe campaign and help us create a space for even more special needs kitties to thrive.

Gatita Bonita
Gatita Bonita when she arrived in the summer of 2019

May 2020 Update:

Good news! Great news!! Gatita’s forever home has claimed her! She’s living the life with her new family with a mom & dad and two furry siblings. All are getting along well and so happy to be together forever.

It was a wonderful experience to have Gatita as part of our kitty family for the last year. She was delightful & unique. She showed her love for her people in her own way and became a cherished fur baby with us. In spite of her challenges, she remained contentedly happy. Every week she improved her coordination and showed us new levels of skills. She inspired us to learn that it’s always possible to grow and thrive.